Friday, August 7, 2009

Share a Hidden Folder

If we connected to a network where we want to share some resource with some people but not all of them. SO it is advisable to hide folder that you wish to share on the network . Authentic user user who need to access the folder need to know entire path of the folder. hiding a folder on network does not completely prevent unwanted user from accessing but its good to do considering security.
Step 1.
Right click the appropriate folder select "Properties".
Step 2.
Click "Advanced Sharing".
Step 3.
In Share name" text box simply append the'$' to folder name.
Step 4.
Once done Click 'OK'

Find Who is invisible in Gmail chat

So it has been always a intresting query to me that how to find out a person invisible in gmail chat. Tough GTalk doesnot provide the facility of being invisible but GMail do. Now What you need to do:
Step 1.
Sign in with your GTalk.
Step 2.
Seach the contact by typing his/her name in the search box.
Step 3.
Once you got the contact click the entry to open chat window.
Step 4.
Click the drop down arrow under close button and "Go off the record".
Step 5.
Now send a message to him/her.
Step 6.
if the message is saying is offline and can't recieve messages right now.' then the user is logged off. If the message doesnot appear he is invisible.
Note: This trick works most of the time but may fail to work if he/she is using Google talk with third party installation tools like mobile chat applications and other ones as Meebo or Digsby.