Saturday, September 13, 2008

Change The My Documents Root Directory(Target)

Several Times we do face problems with viruses . This is not a good idea to keep our necessary documents in C:\ drive as it is mostly targeted by viruses . If we change the root directory for My Documents We can keep our files and data in much safer place.
All We need to do is:-

Right click on My Documents -->Properties--> Change the target Text Field
In place of C:\ put D:\ (or whatever drive You wish)
Press OK for Create Folder and Move Option

Source:Thanks to
Amrita Das(MCA Final Year , RCM ,BBSR, Orissa )

Open the Command Prompt from the Right-Click Menu

Its an easy Trick all you need to do is copy the following code and save it with any name followed by .reg example "cmd_in_right _click.reg" use double quotes while saving and double click the ur saved registry file .. Now you can have cmd option in right click

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Command Prompt"

@="cmd.exe /k \"cd %L\""

@="Command Prompt"

@="cmd.exe /k \"cd %L\""

@="Command Prompt"

@="cmd.exe /k \"cd %L\""


See Behind The Graphical User Inteface in Booting Windows XP

Right click My Computer, Properties, Advanced, Startup and Recovery, Edit. Edit BOOT.INI. Add "/SOS" right after "/fastdetect" with a space between. The line will look something like this:

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /SOS. When you're finished. The first part, multi(0)..... may not be the same on your machine. Upon restarting, the splash screen will be gone. It can be re-enabled by removing the new switch.

You may alternatively do the same with msconfig
Go To
Start-->run-->type msconfig-->BOOT.INI tab-->check SOS-->Restart

You can choose other options even if you wish and see diffrent ways of Windows XP startup.To Get back to default startup undo changes in msconfig.

Source:Thanks to
Amrita Das(MCA Final Year , RCM ,BBSR, Orissa )